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getEnsAvatar โ€‹

Gets the avatar of an ENS name.

Usage โ€‹

import { normalize } from 'viem/ens'
import { publicClient } from './client'
const ensText = await publicClient.getEnsAvatar({
  name: normalize('wagmi-dev.eth'),
// ''
import { createPublicClient, http } from 'viem'

import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains'

export const publicClient = createPublicClient({
  chain: mainnet,
  transport: http()


Since ENS names prohibit certain forbidden characters (e.g. underscore) and have other validation rules, you likely want to normalize ENS names with UTS-46 normalization before passing them to getEnsAddress. You can use the built-in normalize function for this.

Returns โ€‹

string | null

The avatar URI for ENS name.

Returns null if the avatar cannot be resolved from the ENS name.

Parameters โ€‹

name โ€‹

  • Type: string

ENS name to get Text for.

const ensText = await publicClient.getEnsAvatar({
  name: normalize('wagmi-dev.eth'), 

blockNumber (optional) โ€‹

  • Type: number

The block number to perform the read against.

const ensText = await publicClient.getEnsAvatar({
  name: normalize('wagmi-dev.eth'),
  blockNumber: 15121123n, 

blockTag (optional) โ€‹

  • Type: 'latest' | 'earliest' | 'pending' | 'safe' | 'finalized'
  • Default: 'latest'

The block tag to perform the read against.

const ensText = await publicClient.getEnsAvatar({
  name: normalize('wagmi-dev.eth'),
  blockTag: 'safe', 

gatewayUrls โ€‹

  • Type: { ipfs?: string; arweave?: string }

Gateway urls to resolve IPFS and/or Arweave assets.

const ensText = await publicClient.getEnsAvatar({
  name: normalize('wagmi-dev.eth'),
  gatewayUrls: { 
    ipfs: ''

universalResolverAddress (optional) โ€‹

  • Type: Address
  • Default: client.chain.contracts.ensUniversalResolver.address

Address of ENS Universal Resolver Contract.

const ensText = await publicClient.getEnsAvatar({
  name: normalize('wagmi-dev.eth'),
  universalResolverAddress: '0x74E20Bd2A1fE0cdbe45b9A1d89cb7e0a45b36376', 

Released under the MIT License.